Month: November 2012

Business Intelligence, Done Right

Business Intelligence efforts often fail, not because of the technicians, but because of the disjointed relationships we (IT) have with the business. We fear relationships. We think that our investments and communications are a waste of time because we have a tremendous amount of downward pressure to deliver – so we start quickly and build…

Design of the data warehouse: Kimball Vs Inmon

This tutorial covers the basic design concepts, The top down approach, The Bottom-Up Approach, Hybrid Approach and Federated approach. Ralph Kimball and Inmon, the co-founders of the data warehouse, significantly had their own differences in the design and architecture of the data warehouse. Inmon advocated a “dependent data mart structure” whereas Kimball advocated the “data warehouse…

Charla Informativa CEINE

Con motivo de dar a conocer el Centro de Investigación en Inteligencia de Negocios a los alumnos de pregrado y postgrado del Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial de la Universidad de Chile, se realizó una Charla Informativa el día miércoles 21 de noviembre a las 12:00 pm.  Esta charla fue dictada por el Director del CEINE,…

Making Statistics Simpler

Bayes’s rule has to do with the conditional probability of an event B given the occurrence of another event A. In mathematical terms, this conditional probability, P(B|A), is equal to P(B)*P(A|B)/P(A). Students in introductory statistics courses are often given exercises whose solutions require interpretation/application of this Bayesian algebra. The correct results are often counterintuitive. Bayes’s rule…

Data Scientist #3 best job according to CNN

What they do all day? Tech firms like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter are at the heart of the big data movement. Their users are generating loads of information by the second. Turning those heaps of data into business value falls to data scientists, who apply various tools and methods to find meaningful patterns and insights…

Turning Data into Dollars

Is your Business Intelligence (BI) investment a cost center or a revenue center?  If it’s the former, your organization may not be using its Business Intelligence, intelligently. Josh James, CEO and co-founder of Omniture, an online marketing and web analytics company he later sold to Adobe Systems for $1.8 billion and current Founder and CEO…

Big Data: It’s Not Recycled BI

Experton Group’s current market prognosis indicates that the worldwide market for Big Data will have trebled by 2016. In four years, it will exceed 15 Billion Euros. The market for new solutions will gain 36% every year, increasing from 3.3 billion euros in 2011 to 15.7 billion euros in 2016. Germany alone plans to invest 350…

CFOs and Big Data Analytics: Smarter Investment for Smarter Performance

Today, we live in a world where the magnitude of change is unprecedented. Escalating costs, evolving technologies, complex regulations and unpredictable markets are impacting businesses around the world and creating new challenges in meeting shareholder and client expectations. These mega-changes necessitate the need for businesses to make smarter decisions in order to operate efficiently. One…

Is Big Data Really What You’re Looking For?

Do you think you are ready to tackle Big Data because you are pushing the limits of your data Volume, Velocity, Variety and Variability Take a deep breath (and maybe a cold shower) before you plunge full speed ahead into unchartered territories and murky waters of Big Data. Now that you are calm, cool and collected, ask…

Gartner identifica las diez tecnologías más estratégicas para 2013

En el Gartner Symposium/ITxpo 2012 , la consultora expuso sus conclusiones más esperadas acerca de las tendencias y tecnologías que serán más predominantes y estratégicas para las empresas de todo el mundo el año que viene. Gartner explica, antes de nada, que una tecnología estratégica es aquella que tiene potencial para tener un impacto significativo en las…

El secreto del ‘big data’ son las ‘big questions’

En la actividad digital todo genera un dato. Las tarjetas de crédito indican dónde gastamos, en qué tiendas de qué ciudades, en qué conceptos y cuánto gastamos. Los teléfonos móviles indican dónde estamos y con quien hablamos. Las redes sociales saben cuáles son nuestras amistades y cuáles nuestros grupos de interés. Nuestros proveedores de Internet…