Month: December 2012

Make Intelligent Decisions with Big Data

No doubt the amount of data your company collects is growing. But what’s the point of amassing all that information if you can’t use it to drive your business forward? Smart businesses are giving people throughout their organizations access to deeper intelligence by marrying their big data and business intelligence efforts into a big data…

Statistical Inference and Data Mining

Statistics may have little to offer the search architectures in a data mining search, but a great deal to offer in evaluating hypotheses in the search, in evaluating the results of the search, and in applying the results.   Data mining aims to discover something new from the facts recorded in a database. For many…

The Data Mining Step

Most previous work on KDD focused primarily on the data mining step. However, the other steps are equally if not more important for the successful application of KDD in practice. We now focus on the data mining component, which has received by far the most attention in the literature. Data mining involves fitting models to…

Primer Foro de Inteligencia de Negocios

Para diagnosticar el estado del arte del Business Intelligence en Chile y generar un espacio común de colaboración y apoyo para la evolución de las capacidades entre las empresas y la academia, el Centro de Investigación en Inteligencia de Negocios del Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial (U. de Chile) CEINE, organizó un foro de discusión en temas relacionados…

Business Intelligence 101

What is BI? “Business Intelligence is a collection of technologies, applications, processes and practices for the transformation of business data into business useful information.” There are a variety of other definitions, but in essence BI is not a single – product, principle, method or technology, but rather all of them. Over past few decades, enterprise…